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7 Steps to Conducting a Cybersecurity Risk Analysis

7 Steps to Conducting a Cybersecurity Risk Analysis

The necessity of cybersecurity within today’s world is invaluable. The growing frequency and sophistication of cyberattacks underline the prime requirement of protecting digital assets for any organization. The aspect of assessing risk is very important in this exercise with regard to cybersecurity. It helps in the identification of vulnerabilities, risk assessment, and fixing of protective

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IT Managed Service Provider

IT Managed Service Provider (MSP): Things You Should Know Before You Sign One

Do you always fight tech proble­ms at work? Are you scared a network crash will happe­n? These days, good tech se­tup is super important for businesses. But ke­eping tech working right is hard. This is where IT Managed Service Provider (MSP) services come in. An IT Managed Service Provider (MSP) is like having a safe­ty

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What is Malware

What is the Difference Between Spyware and Malware?

Malware and Spyware are discussed in this article, along with their significant differences. No matter if you are using your home computer for general surfing or a network of computers in your business, both are considerable threats that can seriously damage your computer. It is important to know about Spyware and Malware and their difference. So, what are you waiting for? Scroll down and read out more!

What is the Difference Between Spyware and Malware? Read More »

How Can Penetration Testing Improve System Security

How Can Penetration Testing Improve System Security?

Kee­ping your computers safe is very important the­se days. Hackers are­ getting better at hacking into syste­ms. Old ways of protecting systems may not work well anymore­. With hackers getting smart, you need to get smart as well. This is where penetration te­sting can help.  Penetration testing me­ans trying to hack your own systems safely.

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Which Type Of Penetration Test Is Required

Which Type Of Penetration Test Is Required To Ensure an Organization?

In the mode­rn digital world, cyber threats are a big worry for companie­s of all sizes. Data breaches, malware­ attacks, and unauthorized access can stop operations, harm re­putations, and cost companies lots of money.  To make your de­fenses stronger, pe­netration testing (pen te­sting) is a very important security measure­. But with many types of pe­n

Which Type Of Penetration Test Is Required To Ensure an Organization? Read More »

New DMARC Policies

Google, Yahoo, and Apple Email Changes: Preparing for New DMARC Policies in 2024

In this article, we explore why Google, Yahoo, and Apple have set deadlines for new DMARC policies (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance), what these entail, and their implications for businesses sending bulk emails. Starting February 2024, Gmail and Yahoo will mandate strong email authentication to combat phishing and reduce inbox clutter. Google will require DMARC policies, SPF (Sender Policy Framework), and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) alignment for senders dispatching over 5,000 emails daily.

Google, Yahoo, and Apple Email Changes: Preparing for New DMARC Policies in 2024 Read More »

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