How to Ensure Security of Company Emails


How to Ensure the Security of Company Emails

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Email is one of the oldest yet most important tools relating to conducting business communication today because it allows the sharing of confidential information, various documents, and transactional data. 

At the same time, email is such an attractive target to expose for cybercriminals, and steps must be taken to ensure company emails are kept secure in order to safeguard against data breaches, malware, and other dangers to the integrity of cyber security. 

In this article, experts from TMI have discussed the need and purpose of email security, the baselines for implementing measures, and additional ways to set up a better protection system for your organization’s emails.

Key Takeaways

Implementation of strong passwords and two-factor authentication to make the email accounts less vulnerable to unauthorized access.

Use of Encryption: End-to-end emails while in transit to avoid exposure of sensitive information to interception and unauthorized eye-bawling.

Advanced spam filters and secure email gateways integrating advanced filtering are to be used, which can easily block emails that are malicious and greatly reduce the problem of phishing.

Authentication Protocols such as DMARC, SPF, and DKIM should be implemented to ensure the authenticity of the sender and prevent spoofing.

Regularly update email software and security patches to be safe from known vulnerabilities as well as new threats out there.

What is Email Security?

Email security is a strategy and technologies comprising strategies, aiming to protect email accounts, content, and communication from unauthorized access, loss, or compromise. 

For instance, it means the content of an email should not get subjected to risks like phishing, malware, spamming, compromise at rest or in motion, and impersonation to ensure its lifecycle has confidentiality and integrity.

Why Email Security Is Important?

Email security matters for the following reasons:

  • Data Protection: In most cases, sensitive corporate information such as commercial information, financial details, trade secrets, personal details of employees. This information is communicated through email. This data should remain secure from a breach.
  • Helps Guard against Cyberattacks: Email is one of the easier ways through which cyber-attacks, including phishing, malware, and ransomware, are spread. Strong email security can help avoid letting such threats creep into the company’s technological infrastructure.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Most industries are regulated under laws, which require them to protect sensitive data. Strong email security is relying on the maintenance of proper compliance with laws such as GDPR, HIPAA, and CCPA now highly needed today.
  • Business Continuity: Cyber incidents can be disruptive to business. Securing email ensures continuity and eliminates expensive downtime.

How to Protect a Company Email?

6. Back up Emails and Important Files

1. Strong Authentication Measures

By using strong passwords and 2FA, one reduces the chance of unauthorized access significantly. If a password is compromised, there will still be an extra verification step with two-factor authentication.

2. Use Encrypted Connections

Encrypting email communications ensures that data remains unreadable to unauthorized parties during transmission. 

Secure email gateways (SEGs) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) can protect email content from interception

3. Email Filtering and Anti-Spam Solutions Deployment

The most advanced spam filters and email gateways are able to filter out and curb the action of malicious emails even before reaching inboxes. 

This means that it can quarantine ill-sent or suspicious emails and hence reduce the chances of a phishing attack or malware exposure.

4. Email Authentication Protocols Implementation

DMARC, SPF, and DKIM are designed to help authenticate legitimate senders of email and, therefore, prevent the possibility of email spoofing.

This makes sure emails affirming to be from your domain actually come from authorized servers.

5. Keep Up with Software and Security Patch Updates

This is why it is important to always keep software updates for email and antivirus. 

Many cyber attackers use the exploits that work on the dated software, rendering regular software updates helpful in protecting against threats already previously identified.

6. Back up Emails and Important Files

Regular backups allow restoration of data in the event that your computer gets attacked by ransomware, for example. 

Physical isolation and regular testing of backups help to increase the reliability of backups.

How Else to Improve Security in Emails?

Training and Awareness

In email security, best practices are very necessary, and this awareness needs to be instilled in employees. 

Such awareness programs need to equip the employees to be able to recognize phishing attempts, impregnable handling of attachments, and being in a position to report such emails.

Virtual Private Networks (VPN)

Encouraging access to email with VPNs, especially over public Wi-Fi, secures the connection and prevents interceptions of sensitive information.

Implementing Strong Email Policies

Clear policies on the use of email, such as prohibiting personal use of company email accounts and guidelines on handling sensitive information, can reinforce security measures.

Advanced Threat Detection Solutions

Finally, deploying solutions that utilize machine learning and artificial intelligence will identify and mitigate sophisticated threats that traditional security measures might miss.

What other advanced techniques can be used to improve Email security?

  • Security solutions that integrate machine learning and AI can provide threat detection in real-time and dynamically move with new and evolving cyber threats.
  • Email data loss prevention (DLP) tools can monitor and control the transfer of sensitive information, preventing accidental or intentional leaks.
  • Further improving email security can be conducted with the help of blockchain technology in ensuring the integrity and non-repudiation of the email message through the creation of email transactions.

The overall email security can be enhanced by creating a culture of security mindfulness, where employees report suspicious activities using the available tools without a fear of repercussions.

Why should you choose TMI?

At TMI we specialize in providing comprehensive IT solutions and cybersecurity assessment services

We can set up the protection you need for your company email and rest assured you can continue communicating without having to worry about hackers stealing or corrupting your valuable data.

We do this by identifying vulnerabilities, analyzing risks, and implementing protective measures, we ensure the safeguarding of your valuable data. 

Our expertise in cybersecurity enhances your organization’s data safety, ensures compliance with industry regulations, and promotes business continuity. Trust TMI to secure your emails completely.


1. What would be the most common email security threat? 

Phishing attacks are among the most common email security threats. These attacks trick users into revealing sensitive information by masquerading as legitimate communication

2. How does email security protection work by way of encryption? 

Encryption protects email by converting the content into a code that can only be deciphered by the intended recipient, preventing unauthorized access during transmission.

3. What should the email security policy cover? 

The email security policy should include lines that speak on password management, handling sensitive information, using employee’s personal email for the company, and the procedure for how to report suspicious emails. 


Protecting company emails is a really important task. We advise you to integrate technology, staff awareness, and stringent policies to do this, at TMI, we prioritize these strategies to safeguard sensitive information, ensure regulatory compliance, and maintain communication integrity. 

In today’s complexities of cyber crimes, these email security measures are essential. By investing in robust protocols and encryption, businesses mitigate risks and develop the much-needed stakeholder trust.

At TMI, we educate our staff through regular training and simulated phishing drills, ensuring they can identify and respond to threats effectively. Strict policies govern email usage, data handling, and encryption standards to prevent breaches and unauthorized access. 

By adhering to these guidelines, we uphold confidentiality and client trust. In conclusion, a comprehensive approach ensures email security against evolving threats, supporting operational continuity and regulatory requirements effectively.

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